Appliance repair can actually be learned online. Seems amazing but true that you can actually learn a trade online. How is this possible? Well, I learned it from books just a few years ago and made out just fine. I supplemented my studies with hands-on practice in customer’s homes and gradually got better and faster. Most modern universities now offer online learning and my mentor is now doing the same thing. I have been checking out this low-cost program. He has created a series of online video lessons broken into three areas:
First is a group on mastering the “Business Secrets of Appliance Repair.” This group includes a multitude of up-to-date marketing, building and operating tricks. The course list is very interesting. Link to more details.
Second is a group on “Mastering Laundry Appliances”. Washers and dryers represent half of what we repair in the appliance business. He covers all the new imports too. Link to more details.
The third is a group on “Mastering Kitchen Appliances”. Refrigerators, ice makers, dishwashers and cooking equipment are fully covered here with new Samsung and LG brands included. These Korean imports are a growing part of our repair world. Link to more details.
I have looked at some of the samples and it looks like a well put together an online program. It certainly covers all the hot areas that guys need to master as they get their business started. Has anyone taken this online program who would like to offer comments?