This kit will fix 3/4 of what you find in a house and it’s all you need to carry in with you (according to Uncle Harry):
- Philips tip long shank screwdriver
- Flat long shank screwdriver
- 1/4″ nut driver
- 5/16″ nut driver
- 15 torx driver
- 20 torx driver
- insulated cutters
- needlenose pliers
- large channel lock pliers
- multimeter
- wd 40
- stubby Phillips
- stubby flat
- stubby 1/4″ nut driver
- stubby 5/16″ nut driver
- adjustable open end wrench
- wire stripper and crimper
- medium Phillips
- electrical tape
- thermometer
- razor knife
- wire
- cable ties
- knee pads
- work light
- clipboard & invoices
- promotional stickers, pens, refrigerator magnets
Harry also has a video on special tools you want to keep in the truck.
This was very helpful! I just bought $100 of tools for my first day and literally used all of them working on 3 dryers. The best tool: Knee Pads. I definitely did not skimp on those. I got the $36 pair at the local hardware store.
For the non-essential list: steel toe shoes. I was using a dolly to move dryers and those things are heavy! I had to use my sneakers to stop the dolly from rolling and it feels like my feet are getting crushed every time. Definitely going to buy some safer shoes once I get my pay.
Also got a cut on my hands from squeezing a set of pliers so tight then they lost grip so they closed on my finger! Ouch. I have a this blood blister now. Wish I had gloves.
I stuffed everything into a neat toolbox. Stay organized people!
Thanks again